Come join us.
knowit is a group of grown ass women who want to get together, learn cool adult shit and hang out it’s 1995.

A bit more context.

Yes, you have a million things happening in your life. The projects. The laundry. The kids’ extracurricular stuff. That stuff for the new client. The groceries. The date you have this weekend. That lunch hour gym class. And the list goes on...

As a grown ass woman, there are things you should be able to crush by now. You’re busy. You haven’t given yourself the time and space to master all the adult stuff you need to know.

Don’t fret (and ruin your makeup… that would be bad). We got your back lady. Knowit will teach you core skills that, as a grown ass woman, you should know by now. You know, that stuff that makes you look like you’ve got your shit in order.